They had to pull them out of the creek with Grumps' tractor. That is why you see chains and alot of blood. The joy of growing up country :)
Brock's Santa gifts.....Two dinosaurs & a Spiderman Web-blaster
Our ballernia playing her V-Smile
Addison wanted this picture taken...how cute!
Addison went to the doctor on Wednesday. She is doing much better now....just tired. Brock enjoyed driving the tractor, feeding the cows, and just being in the woods. One more week before we go back to school....
Before he spotted us, he stood there with his finger in his mouth.
The wedding took place in the old Catholic church here in town. It was a beautiful chapel.
Addison and Alison (Jan's Daughter)
The beautiful bride and groom.
Michael and Brock put the Christmas tree up while we were at the wedding. The kids decorated it when we got home......We will have Christmas pictures soon!
She was working in all the ingredients.