Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Next Supermodel

Addison picked out her own picture outfit (the outfit she wore on picture day) several weeks ago. It finally got cool enough for her to wear it last week to church, so she had to pose in the in yard before we left. Brock is into hunting and camo right now. He wants to poom (shoot) everything in sight ;(
Both kids love to wear hats

Addison has to pose with her knee bent, like a model

This is Michael's child....

The next diva in the family....she gets this from her cousin, April

This is what the Texas water does to my precious kids!


The Byrd's Nest said...

Addison is a TOTAL Diva! Just beautiful!

Holly said...

Boy you are going to have your hands full if she acts like April!! :) haha Good luck with that!!

Brock just cracks me up. I love that kid!

nana said...

You did great. I hope addison is just like April, it's not all bad. Just get your hand on your pocket book.