After nine years in our little mansion, it is time to say, "Good-bye." Our offer has been accepted by the sellers of another house in the Poetry area. So, we offically put our house on the market last week. We have had several people inquire about the house. Hopefully someone will love it as much as we have.

I have wanted to move for three years, but now that it is here I am having a hard time getting myself mentally prepared. We have had many wonderful memories in this little house.
- This was the house that Michael and I came home to after our honeymoon.
- This was the patio that I was sitting on when I learned that my Granddad had passed away.
- This is the bedroom where my water broke with Addison as I was putting sheets on the bed one Saturday night at 10:00.
- This is the living room where I told Michael that Baby #2 was on the way.
- This is the house that both of our babies came home to after we left the hospital.
First steps, first words, first boo-boo's.....the list goes on and on. I know it is time to move on. We have outgrown this house, but I will always remember our first little home!
We are praying that God will send us a buyer soon....
I hope you know I had tears in my eyes reading that post. Especially about granddad! I know the kids stuff is important too!! :)
You will make many more memories in the new house!! Like Addison going to prom. Brock bringing home his first girlfriend. Fun times ahead!! :)
That would be hard to leave a home with so many memories but I am praying that God sends a buyer soon!
Well, I think the new house is a GREAT idea!! The bigger, the better!! haha
But like sis said, you will make more memories.. Maybe you just need to have MORE babies so you can make those sweet little memories in the new house!!
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