Sunday, February 24, 2008

Busy Week

This is going to be a busy week. We are set to close on the selling of our house this Friday. Then we have until March 15th to close on the other house and move out of this one. I haven't packed anything yet. I do not want to jinx the selling of this house. I will wait until Friday to begin the work. Any takers to help me pack???

Here is a picture of our soon to be home. We are so excited and nervous at the same time. My Grandmother tells me everything is going to be o.k. so I guess it will be. Keep us in your prayers. This is a big step for our little family.

My Granddad's birthday would have been this coming Saturday. He has been gone for 8 years and I still miss him. He would have loved my kids (and yours too, Holly!) I'm sure he would have nicknames for them just like he did for me. No one else in the world has ever called me "Peanut". I wish he was still here....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Addison's Birthday Party

Addison had her birthday party on Saturday. Although the weather was yucky outside, we had a great time inside the gym. She had several friends come to celebrate with her. They had so much fun!
Aunt Mittye always does a fabulous job on her birthday cake. It was delicious.

Present time!
She looked terrified while swinging on the rope, but she said it was fun.
My favorite picture...the foam pit.
This is her friend, Joshua. He is the sweetest boy. He gave her a Webkinz dog for her present. She has not put it down since Saturday.

Parachute fun!

Birthday season is over! YEAH! Now we can focus on our house business.

Addison's Baby

Daisy Daffodil has stolen our hearts. I know this is Addison's pet, but we all love this thing. She loves to crawl up on our neck and snuggle under our hair. This is how Addison & Daisy were watching TV on Monday night.
View from the back.....
View from the front...
Daisy is so tame and lovable. She is a perfect match for Addison.

Cooking with Grumps

Anyone who knows my family knows about my dad's famous biscuits and gravy. When they were here this past weekend for the birthday party, Addison decided she needed to help Grumps with breakfast. I hope she can learn how to cook so that I can completely retire from the kitchen. Michael is probably laughing right now because he does most of the cooking :)
Brock helped too, but I didn't get a picture.
The finished product...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Addison is 6

Addison turned 6 on Sunday. We celebrated with a trip to Olive Garden after church. Then we came home to relax and play with Daisy. Here are a few then and now pictures of our precious little angel.
This picture was taken before she lost her two front teeth :)

This onesie was bought by my Aunt Jackie when I was about 10 weeks pregnant. Needless to say, she wanted me to have a girl.

She makes us so proud every day. She is soaking up school like a sponge and she has a heart of gold. God has blessed us with two wonderful children!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Newest Family Member

Addison's 6th birthday is tomorrow. She decided that she wanted a guinea pig for her birthday. So here is the newest member of our family, Daisy Daffodil Meador. She already loves Addison and Addison thinks she is the best pet ever.

Addison took this picture :)
Now the animals and humans are equal in this house; 4 & 4. Brock wants a turtle or a snake, but we told him he would have to wait a while for a pet. He will be waiting a very long time for that snake.
Addison's birthday party will be next Saturday in Rockwall. She wants to go to Olive Garden for her birthday lunch tomorrow. Brock went to Burger King, Addison wants Olive Garden.....we are in trouble when she gets older.
House update: We have had several calls on our house, but most of them wanted to rent. We listed it with realtor this past week, so now I have to keep a clean house at all times. Ha Ha! Anyone who knows our house knows it is impossible to keep it clean every second. So, I am stressed out about doing laundry today. I'm afraid about the time I hang clothes up to dry we are going to get a call to show the house. I finally quit stressing and just started a load.
We know God has a plan for us, so we are patiently waiting to see if a buyer comes along.