Here is a picture of our soon to be home. We are so excited and nervous at the same time. My Grandmother tells me everything is going to be o.k. so I guess it will be. Keep us in your prayers. This is a big step for our little family.

My Granddad's birthday would have been this coming Saturday. He has been gone for 8 years and I still miss him. He would have loved my kids (and yours too, Holly!) I'm sure he would have nicknames for them just like he did for me. No one else in the world has ever called me "Peanut". I wish he was still here....
Yeah for the house!!! :) If I were down there I would help you pack!!
And toot head was one of my favorites from Granddad. In fact, I believe mom or dad one said it this weekend to Luke and I immediately thought of him!! I can't believe it has been 8 years!! Crazy!!
I LOVE it! It makes me wish we could have bought the house around the corner. We would be neighbors!!!! Lottie would love Brock to be right down the street...Brock may not like it though :)
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