Last night we headed to Dallas to the circus. The performance was so bad last year, we thought we wouldn't go back....but we did. When you have a daughter who wants to be an elephant girl (the girl that rides the elephant) and a son who acts like a clown, you can't pass up on the circus. It was much better this year. It makes me sad to think about the animals, but the kids love the it. We took our neighbor with us. It was his first circus.
My favorite picture....

Here come the tigers.

The head clown, Bello, climbing a pole in front of us.
He is very talented. He does most of the acts along with the performers, but he is a true clown. He reminds me of someone in our house.
Watching Bello high above the circus floor.
Intermission and Snacks!

My camera doesn't take very good pictures in the AA center, but we tried.
Some how Brock's picture was deleted from the page. It was suppose to be by Addison's profile picture :)
If you arrive an hour before the show, you can go down on the circus floor and watch a few acts. This was the first year we did this. Look at these faces. Notice how Brock would not let go of Michael.
They were all eyes.
Addison & Hunter
The main attraction for us, Asia.
She is a painting elephant.
Before the show, they draw a name to receive her painting.
He is very talented. He does most of the acts along with the performers, but he is a true clown. He reminds me of someone in our house.
My camera doesn't take very good pictures in the AA center, but we tried.
Man being shot out of the cannon.
Bello, again.
Addison's favorite, the elephants.

We had a good time. Brock barely made it out of the parking lot before he was asleep. Now we only have one more week before I report to work. Although, that is misleading...I will be in my classroom every day next week. Summer is over ;(
We had a good time. Brock barely made it out of the parking lot before he was asleep. Now we only have one more week before I report to work. Although, that is misleading...I will be in my classroom every day next week. Summer is over ;(
That looks like so much fun!! :)
What an awesome time! It is sad when you get older that you have to know about the "conditions" of the animals:(
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