The title sums up the last week for us. I woke up on Sunday with a chest cold. It progressively got worse. By Monday night, the chills had set in and I felt horrible. I spent Addison' birthday (Tuesday) in bed. I was able to get around a bit more on Wednesday, but I was still not able to go to work. Michael had a day surgery procedure scheduled on Wednesday afternoon. Somehow we managed to get over there and back. His procedure went well, but then my illness took over him. I finally got back to work on Thursday, but the flu has taken its toll on me. Now both kids are battling with it. Addison is the worst case of all of us right now. Her little body has been invaded. If she is not better by tomorrow, Michael is going to take her to the doctor. Brock has a touch of it, but he is fighting hard. Michael is recovering from his surgery. If we can all get over the flu, life will be good again!
Before all of this hit last weekend, we took Addison to Dallas to get her first American girl doll. She ended up choosing a doll named Emily. Going into that store was an experience. It's all she wanted for her birthday. She didn't put that doll down for several days. Now all she wants to do is sleep. Hopefully she will be better soon....

Oh I didn't know about the day surgery...good grief...I should have been bringing you some meals! I am a horrible horrible friend..I am praying for Addison and for all of you to be 100% better!
Hope you all feel better soon!
Sure do miss you at church!
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