This has been a crazy week! On Sunday evening, Michael discovered that our back gate had been left open and Toby was gone. I drove around for a while before dinner, but I didn't see him. We tried to sit down and eat, but we didn't actually eat very much. As soon as we were finished, Michael went out to look for a while. He didn't find him either. I held it together in front of the kids, but after they went to bed the tears came by the bucket fulls. Michael left the back gate open....just in case and we went to bed. About eleven o'clock that night, we heard a bark. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me at first, but then I heard it again. I jumped out of bed and opened the backdoor and there he was. We were soooooo happy he came home! He was huffing and puffing, but happy to be home too. It was the fastest answered prayer I have ever had!
The kids were so happy to see their Toby.
On Monday, we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday. Brock had to dress up as a character from one of his books. He was excited about it until Monday morning. He did NOT want to dress up. Eventhough, he looked adorable, he was MAD! That's my boy :)

On Thursday, Brock had his first t-ball practice. I forgot my camera, so we don't have any pictures :( Michael came over from the fire station to be at this monumental event. Brock did great. He will be playing for the favorite baseball team of all time....well it was when Javy Lopez was there. Brock will now be my favorite Brave!
On Thursday, Brock had his first t-ball practice. I forgot my camera, so we don't have any pictures :( Michael came over from the fire station to be at this monumental event. Brock did great. He will be playing for the favorite baseball team of all time....well it was when Javy Lopez was there. Brock will now be my favorite Brave!
Michael is taking the captains exam on Tuesday, March 17th. So, the kids and I try to give him a quiet house as much as possible. This past Saturday we went over to visit Mema & Papaw. They love being over there. They fed the cows, rode the four-wheeler, rode in the paddle boat & went fishing. After we came home, we went out for a family dinner. It was a great day!

Last night when Addison took Daisy Daffodil out of her cage, Michael noticed that she was not acting right. After watching her, we think she had a stroke. Tonight I had to tell Addison what was going on. It broke her heart into a million pieces. We love these animals. They are our family. We don't like to think about losing one of them, but I am afraid Daisy will not be with us much longer :((((( My heart is breaking for Addison.
Oh my heart was just broken with I first started reading about Toby....I am so thankful it all worked out. I kept thinking...poor Michael he will suffer from that guilt of leaving that gate open.
I will tell Greg about the Captain's exam and we will be praying! You can do it Michael!!!
I will be praying for sweet Addison...I know this will make her sad:(
I'm so sorry Addison.
Brock you are sooooooo cute!
That picture of Addison from the back fishing is so cute.. You need to have it framed!
We celebrated Dr. Suess too... It was fun for the kids...
I am so glad Toby came home. Pete has gotten out pretty regularly since we moved. Everytime I come home and he's not in the yard, my heart sinks. He always comes home, but I so afraid of that one time when he won't.
I'm so sad for Addison's Daisy. I have a guinea pig at school in my classroom and I had no idea things like this can happen. They only have a short life-span though. I know one day I will find my Ms. Mud in bad shape at school. I dread teaching that day. I've become very attached to all of my animals at home and at school. (I have a zoo, by the way). Hope you guys enjoy your Spring Break. We'll be thinking about Mike and his test!
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