Saturday, November 24, 2007

Wedding Day

Addison was the flower girl in a wedding today. For those of you who know the same people we do, the groom was Jan's nephew. They didn't have a little girl available in their family, so she asked Addison to be in the wedding. After visiting with Jan's sister, we discovered that the doctor that delivered the groom (and his twin brother) actually delivered Addison too. Since we consider Jan and her family part of our family, it was an honor for Addison to be a part of this special day.

Addison was very nervous since she only knew one person in the wedding party.

The wedding took place in the old Catholic church here in town. It was a beautiful chapel.

Addison and Alison (Jan's Daughter)

The beautiful bride and groom.

Michael and Brock put the Christmas tree up while we were at the wedding. The kids decorated it when we got home......We will have Christmas pictures soon!


Holly said...

Addison looks very grown up in these pictures!! :)

The Byrd's Nest said...

She is so guys are in big trouble when she gets older!