Saturday, May 31, 2008


Here is the latest with our family:
  • Brock finished preschool this past Friday. He is going to spend next week with Memaw and Papa....just like old times, except now Papa is retired so they will keep each other busy all day doing things like fishing and playing outside.
  • Addison has 4 more days of school. She graduates from Kindergarten on Tuesday. I'm sure I will have a few pictures to post. She has her end of the year party on Thursday and then she is officially on summer vacation. She has recently expressed an interest in playing tennis (only because she can wear a skirt when she plays). So the week after school is out, she will be attending tennis camp at the new high school in Rockwall. Brock and I will be roaming around Rockwall for 4 hours every morning :)
  • Michael is working constantly. If he is not at the fire station, he is mowing yards. Hopefully we will have some good family time this weekend. He has his major vacation time coming up at the fire station. Although, he won't be able to stop mowing, we will have him home a little more during the month of June. I think we have decided to stay close to home for vacation this year (Thank you gas prices!!!) We are going to do short trips around the metroplex instead.
  • I have 5 more days of school. YEAH! Although I have battled a stomach virus twice in the past two weeks, I am feeling better. I can't believe I used 2 sick days within the last three weeks of school. I am looking forward to being home this summer. I may take a class or two towards my masters, but I am mainly going to be a mommy & wife. One more week of work........
  • This Thursday, Michael and I will celebrate 9 years of marriage. We are going to celebrate by both of us going to work :) We are such exciting people! Hopefully we can get out over the weekend for an adult meal that doesn't involve french fries and a toy.

Look out we come!

Memorial Day

We spent Memorial Evening with some friends in Heath. The kids loved swimming in the pool. Michael and I loved the time with good friends and, of course, the food. Here are a few pictures that Rudy took while we were there.Brock is being encouraged to jump off of the diving board by John
Yes, Brock had his goggles on upside down.

Addison in action
What a beautiful girl

Birthday Party

Addison was invited to a birthday party at a water park in Rowlett. Here are a few pictures that one of the mothers sent to me. It was so much fun. We have plans to go back with a group of teacher kids! Brock went to Sam's with Daddy, so he didn't get to enjoy the fun. He will next time.

Museum Visit

We were out of school last Friday, so we decided to visit the Museum of Natural Science in Fair Park. Brock has been wanting to see the dinosaurs, so off we went. Addison wasn't too thrilled about it, but her fun came later in the weekend.
Brock's hand in a dinosaur footprint.
Addison's hand

Milking the Borden cow. Brock looks a little too good at this. He want to own a farm when he grows up....
Addison likes milking cows (her words)
Digging for dinosaur bones
Addison would rather not get dirty.

Look what they found....not :)

I have more museum picutures, but my batteries just died. I will post more museum pictures later.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Field Day

Addison had field day at school on Friday. Unfortunately mommies that are teachers don't get to watch their own children participate in these kinds of things. Thankfully, Addison has some friends that have wonderful moms who understand and they take pictures for me!
Thank you Bonnie!
Addison, Graycie, Zoie & Rebecca

Ice Water Relay

The cup had holes in it. This would have been great fun except for the fact that it was pretty chilly on Friday. She also has a proud Daddy looking on in the background.

Addison sharing her towel with her friend, Kaitlyn, after the ice water relay.

I'm not sure what game this is, but I think it has something to do with hanging laundry on the line. Is that really a game?

Here is the gang:

Kaitlyn, Addison, Robert, Aidan, Zoie, Joshua & Cade

Addison had fun. I'm not sure who was the most tired at the end of the day, but I am betting it was probably me!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Getting Settled

It has been almost two months since we moved into the house and it is just now starting to feel like home. The kids are extremely happy. They love to be outside! Michael and I love it because it is so peaceful. About 10 cars drive down our road a day, as opposed to 10 cars every 2 minutes at our old house. I have tried to post as many pictures as I could. It took me forever. I assure you this will be the longest post that I ever do.....

These are the babies that live on our front porch. We have two in the front and four in the back. Please do not be offended if you walk up to the house and see a pile of bird poo on our porch. The nest will be removed when the babies are gone :)

I couldn't have a post without our real babies. This is before Brock's program last week.
Addison is growing up a bit too fast!

Here is the house....

Our view from the backporch

My mother's day gift...a bird feeder.

It was exactly what I wanted.

I also got a hummingbird feeder. We had a hummingbird come about 30 minutes after Michael put it up. I hope we get more.

Front of the house

Michael has already been to work on the flower beds.

Inside the arch is where the babies live.

Walking into the house

Living room

We love these windows

I'm not sure what to do about curtains or blinds.

Any ideas are welcomed...

Back of the house
Michael built this from a kit. It took about a week of doing it at night.


We can't find a desk. We may have one made.

Going out of the office
Dining Room

This is on the right when you walk into the house
Looking into the office from the entry way

Our bedroom

Our bedroom
Our bedroom
Play Room

Our neighbor, Hunter

Kitchen, looking out the back
Informal dining

Look at the two birdhouses that Michael's aunt & uncle made for us ;)

Our bathroom

No secrets in this shower (or privacy!)
Michael's side and his potty room

Addison's bedroom

Brock's bedroom
Brock's bedroom
This hallway leads to the kids bedrooms.

The utility room is on the right.

This is the hallway out of the kitchen the other way.

It leads to the 1/2 bath (open door) and the garage (closed door).

It also leads back around to the living room/entry way.

Guest bedroom

Guest bedroom

Guest bathroom Storage in the hall by the kids room.
The other half of Addison's bedroom.
Michael and I have been extremely blessed! We thank the Lord every day for all he has given us. Come see us soon!