Sunday, December 30, 2007

Just Playing Around

Michael has been at the fire station for the past 48 hours. The kids and I have been busy playing instead of cleaning. Michael will be so proud of us when he gets home...

The dogs even started playing with us tonight. Allie was playing fetch when Dottie decided to play tug-o-war with her. They moved too fast for a picture.

Dottie is waiting for Allie to come down the hall with the toy.

The kids are playing horse. It was too cold to ride Dandy in Oklahoma :(

Dottie climbed on top of the chair to get away for Allie & Brock.This was a big step for Allie. She is not very fond of the kids. She only likes me!
Before Allie moved to the top of the chair. She really wants Brock to go away here.
My first baby girl

Since Daddy is at the fire station, the kids decided to make their own dinner, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. All I can saw about these pictures is that we believe in safety first.

The kids promised me that they would clean their rooms and then we would watch Meet the Robinsons. Well....we found The Sound of Music on t.v. I can't deny them a classic. I am going to clean their rooms while they wait for the do-re-me song.

1 comment:

Holly said...

With those kids playing on the counter with knifes, it is a good thing their dad is a paramedic!! :)