Monday, July 26, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Addison and Brock have been taking swimming lessons since April. They have made a tremendous amount of progress in the pool. Martin, their swim teacher, is outstanding with them. Trying out the high dive
Brock and Martin bouncing the board

It doesn't take much to get Brock to take the plunge!

Addison is another story.....
Still working on Addison.....Brock goes again!
Addison being long as Martin is in the pool :)
I can't say that I blame her. It is way up there!
Thinking about the board, but it didn't really happen.
Hopefully she will get the courage before long.

The high dive fun only lasted for a few minutes, then it was back to work in the training pool.
This week will be our last two lessons. We are going to take a break and get back into our school routine for a bit. Then we will be back with Martin by October.

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

I have to say that I remember being her age and being terribly afraid of jumping off that diving IS high and it seems even higher when you are up there!!!!! She is very brave just for climbing the steps!!!!!!!