Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July!!
Our celebration started out by riding in the Rockwall parade. The kids enjoyed throwing candy and waving the flag. Although it was hot, the had a lot of fun. After a quick lunch, we headed to Aunt Sallee's and Uncle Blaine's to see Uncle Danny. Their house is one of A & B's favorite places to visit. Addison & Brock loaded and ready to roll.

Audree, Addison, Blaire & Brock

Two of the Grove's finest =)


Brock enjoying some of Aunt Sallee's holiday dessert......a bit before her celebration started.
Who spoils our kids?????

Our Texas family
Danny, Blaine & Sallee
What would be do without them?

Now we are off to the lake to celebrate with more fireman.
Happy Independence Day!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

What a cute pair you have, all dressed up and ready for fun. I love it.