Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Alligator Alley

One day we had to give our pale skin time to heal, so we headed to Alligator Alley. This was a stretch for me.....alligators/ doesn't matter, they can both eat me. I do not want to be around either one. But I did it for my kids education =)Yes, all of those brown spots in the water are alligators.

Captain Crunch is the largest captive alligator. He is HUGE. I'm glad the deck didn't give away while we were standing over his area.

My brave children overcoming their own fears. Everyone in the family held the alligator, well except me. I had to take the pictures!

After we saw the alligators, we headed to the famous Lambert's restaurant in Foley. It was delicious! Needless to say, it was my favorite part of the day. Brock's favorite part was shopping at the Mossy Oak store. He is going to be the next Jack Hannah or any other animal person.

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