Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My other babies

Yesterday, Michael and I took the kids and met my mother in Sherman so they could go to VBS in Oklahoma. They were looking forward to being in the country and riding the horses.
Michael and I spent some time in Sherman shopping at Sam's, Gander Mountain, & Tractor Supply. I know...those are a girls favorite stores. Last night we had a nice adult meal at Texas Roadhouse. It was Michael's late father's day meal. It was delicious!
This morning, Michael hung curtains for me in our bathroom and both of the kids rooms. Then he headed to town to mow. I took my other babies to the beauty shop and came home to a completely empty house. It felt so weird. Since storms were moving in, I let our big baby in the house so I didn't have to be all alone. I can't remember when I was without kids, husband, & dogs. All is well, though, as I type Allie Belle is curled up in my lap. She is taking full advantage of the kids being gone.
I took advantage of the kids absence, as well, and cleaned out their closets and dressers. I now have 5 trashbags of clothes to pass on to the next child. The bathrooms are my next project. I have a new scrub brush ready to go.
Tomorrow Michael is planning on playing golf with the boys, if the weather permits. I am going to have lunch with my friends in Rockwall and possibly do a little shopping.
Our plans for tonight include a big bag of popcorn, a Dr. Pepper, and a big t.v.
Go Celtics!!
I do not like the Lakers...
Dottie posing with her new hair cut. Allie Belle is completely depressed.
She can't believe that I leave her at the groomers.


Holly said...

I am sure the kids will have a nice time in Oklahoma. Uncle Kell was looking forward to seeing them!

I bet it is nice just being you guys this week! Enjoy!

Baker Family said...

I am so jealous of your time without kids! I am so sick of mine after this week! :) Chris and I decided that our next vacation is just the two of us and our kids can stay with the grandparents. hehe